Class of 1960
Gail Alberts
Joe(Gelso) Antonini then Obit 
Keith Bedford faculty obit
Tulio Bertini faculty then obit
William Grant Biddle
Dan Bledsoe
Jimmie Book
Emile Bou
Patricia Brooks Weld then now bio obit
Bob Burton
Joan Blaess Ellingson then recent obit 
Ralph Bredenberg faculty obit
Neil Calhoon
Frank Canale
Diane Carlisle
Emily Concha
Roger Dabney
Zela Dalton Larrew
Diane Deason Calhoon Carney then now bio 12/24
Dennis DeHart
Shirley DePetris then now
Joyce Depew Schinkel then now
George Dobresk
Lenny Dold then recent
John Donato
Larry Ellien
Gary Fambrini then obit
John Fischer
Mary Fisher Green then now bio
Sherry Folster
Carol Forst Verhoef then
Georgette Gainey Chance
Stephen Gilley
Tom Golder then obit
Bill Greenleaf faculty obit
Stanley Grosse faculty then now bio book 1 book 2 
Pat Hankins
Jean Hanschen Dean then now bio obit
Tom Harrison
Don Hathorne
Doug Hechim
Rich Hernandez then now obit
Marell Hewitt then bio
Harry Higuera obit
Art Hopgood faculty obit
John Hotchkiss
Frances Huff
Jimmy Johnson faculty
Vinton Koklich then 3/25/2024
John Lacaze
Albert Lacy
Don LaClergue faculty then obit
Ken LaCrosse faculty obit
Art Lapore faculty obit
Tom Lavery
Paul Ledyard then now bio obit
Duck(Don) Lyon then
John Manos
Rich Marchi
Vince Marchi faculty obit
Gordon Marsall
Jerry Marsall
Fred Mazzoli obit
Mike McCreary
Bill McDonald obit
Milton McDowell business faculty obit
Ken Mercer then obit honor honor pic  
Donna Milks
James Miller
Caroline(Carole) Mohrle Cormier
Carol Norine Dixon
Lynda Newman Petru then
Sam Obannon
Gus Panigiris
Stel Papadopoulos
Bob Park then obit
Rich Paroli
Nancy Prince
Ralph Ramey
Donna (Dee Dee) Rapp
Bill Reidy then
Reuben Resendez then now
Janet Reymenandt
Sherry Riggs
Carol Schultheis Barraco then now bio
Harry Seagraves recent
Robert Serio
Bob Shepherd
George Sinclair
Linda Smith
Joe Spinali then now
Jim Stallsworth
David Teasdale obit
Anne Turner Metz then now bio
Bob Vane
Stenalt Willis
Shirley Wilson Costarella then obit memories
Roger Youngs
Rick Zawada then now bio obit

Deceased Cap 1960
Deceased Mills 1960
Lan Bachman*
Jeffrey Bell
Jackie Brown*
Ken Buck
Bobbie Castro*
Rich Chamberlin
Sherron Giblin
Roger Glang*
Susan Goldwater
Bruce Gramkam
Pete Hale
Sharon Kettering
Susan Kline*
Walter Lysick
Steve Magidson
Pam Marsh
Hazel Mattimoe
Melissa McCabe
Paul Newman
Donnie Pfaff
Judy Pickins
Jeri Rothschild*
Jim Scallon
Bart Sindici
Sandy Sloan
Patty Spackman*
Gerry Stoll
Jim Studdert*
Howie Sundberg
Dave Tiddy
Anita Ullo*
Gary Waterworth*
Gil Williamson
Tyler Wilson

* Taylor and/or Cap 1957 and 1958